The 4th of July holds special significance for me for two key reasons. Firstly, growing up in Johannesburg, July 4 was a special date that we always celebrated, as it was my parent’s wedding anniversary. My father, a true wine aficionado and avid collector, would bring out a bottle or three for the family to share on this auspicious date, especially for me and my siblings, as we are the living embodiment of that July day in 1963!
Trevor & Mimi
When I arrived in the US in 1985, settling first in LA, I joined in the unique celebration of America’s independence, I learned to appreciate all that makes our country and system such a shining example to the world. As millions have done before me, after officially becoming a citizen many years ago, July 4 is not only a celebration of the American spirit and our values, but, personally, embodies a new home, a welcoming place to build a future, a broad canvas on which to live a full, free and rewarding life. These past 35 years have been truly amazing and, as usual, this coming 4th of July celebration will be another special day to celebrate this special American adventure.
In recognition of those that have come to America over the centuries, I’ve composed a collection of wine from around the world (and one from here of course) to celebrate our diversity and adventurous spirit, bottles I intend to share with friends on the 4th.
This six-pack collection is a great accompaniment to the traditional outdoor festivities, from backyard barbecues to picnics watching fireworks: